Paleo Diet and Diabetes

In a head to head competition between the Paleo diet and the Mediterranean diet, Paleo won hands down when it came to glucose tolerance and treating diabetes…

The improved glucose tolerance in the Paleolithic group was unrelated to changes in weight or waist circumference, although waist decreased slightly more in that group. Hence, the research group concludes that something more than caloric intake and weight loss was responsible for the improved handling of dietary carbohydrate. The main difference between the groups was a much lower intake of grains and dairy products and a higher fruit intake in the Paleolithic group. Substances in grains and dairy products have been shown to interfere with the metabolism of carbohydrates and fat in various studies.

“If you want to prevent or treat diabetes type 2, it may be more efficient to avoid some of our modern foods than to count calories or carbohydrate,” says Staffan Lindeberg.

This is the first controlled study of a Paleolithic diet in humans.

Science Daily, June 28 2007